Mission’s News Letters
Bro Miller
Mission in Belize
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Just a brief update. We finally finished our medical concerns. I will not be doing shoulder surgery, thank the Lord. Jonathan’s MRI came back with no issues. We thought maybe he had the Chiari malformation as Ben and Sarah both had. He has had constant headaches and vertigo.
We will finally visit my mother in Kentucky, the Monday after Christmas. That among other things was postponed because of Covid. Then after the Year’s end, back to Belize.
Please be praying for Brother Matthews, as you know, he has assisted me for more than 5 years in Belize. It is likely that he will be leaving for the States after the New year begins, God willing. What our working relationship will be like after that is yet to be seen. We hope to introduce him to our friends and Churches.
Please remember to pray for Ernesto, his next court date is in February. The Lord provided the funds necessary to help him acquire an attorney. He has been a very faithful and very hard working servant since the time he returned back to us. All the beautiful yard work you see in the pictures, he does. He will be enrolling in our Bible Institute in the Spring. God willing he is one of a couple who will try to replace Brother Matthews when he is gone.
Jonathan and I are heading back to Belize on January 10th, tickets are already purchased. I am thankful to have him serving with me at this time.
We are praying for a small tractor and implements in order to begin plowing ground for growing our own crops and keeping the place mowed. We pray the Lord has one for us somewhere.
We will be starting our Bible institute early Spring, as well as increasing our Evangelism efforts. Our Belizean Brother, Norman Willacy will be organizing and sit as dean of Grace Baptist Theological Seminary and Bible Institute, If the Lord wills. Please pray for these ministry efforts. Please consider Grace Outreach in you Grace giving. Blessing for the coming New Year. Bro.Ken
Mary and the Kids send their love and greeting.
Bro Luke
Bro Bornales

Afflicted Bible Missions